Thank you
Thank you to all of our Funders including The Heritage Lottery Fund, KCC, the Garfield Weston Foundation, LoCASE, the Bernard Sunley Foundation, Kent Community Foundation, the Government Village and Community Hall Fund, The Whitehead Monckton Foundation, Persimmon Homes and many private donors and fundraisers.
Please see our News page for information on our opening event.
Great news from the National Lottery!
Huge grant for the Memorial Hall takes us close to the finish line

The Memorial Hall committee is absolutely delighted to announce that the National Lottery Community Fund has granted us £98,000 to finish the remodelling and refurbishment of the Hall.
This grant means that we can now draw down pledged grants from the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Bernard Sunley Foundation and the government’s Village Hall Improvement Grant Fund (administered by ACRE), all of which were dependent on fulfilling our main target.
We are now working on timetabling the work. This won’t happen immediately, as the builder could not wait for us to get the full funding before looking for other jobs. We are arranging a fresh quote to take account of the rise in the price of building materials, but are still confident we can achieve most of our aims. We will continue to seek funding, and to fundraise locally, for the other facilities which were in some cases not eligible to be part of funding proposals.
I want to thank the whole committee, and past members of the committee, for all the effort made towards this fundraising. I particularly want to thank our Treasurer Helen Bosley, who has grappled with many an intractable table of figures in the quest for money. We have a way to go yet to finish the project – but we hope the road is a little smoother now.
We will announce the date of the re-closure of the Hall as soon as we know it – however we think it is safe to say that it is unlikely to be before New Year, so this term’s activities can continue with the Hall in its current state.
Some of you have made very notable contributions, both monetary and practical, to this project, and I hope you will all feel how grateful we are. Our great thanks go to the National Lottery for recognising and funding our aims.
Rosalind Riley
Chair of Trustees, The Memorial Hall Frittenden